EPISODE Family of Studies Principal Investigator Dr. James Paxton Featured on Skeptics’ Guide to Emergency Medicine

On October 2, 2024, hosts of the Skeptics’ Guide to Emergency Medicine podcast featured EPISODE principal investigator, Dr. James Paxton to discuss the qualities and results of the pilot phase of the EPISODE study. The SGEM podcast is affiliated with the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine has a 12 year international following, and is 4.5 star rated. The podcast is part of the Free Open Access to Meducation, providing medical education to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Opening the episode, the hosts reminded the audience that prehospital identification of stroke remains a significant challenge in stroke care. Effective tools to address this challenge are necessary to optimize stroke triage decisions that ultimately lead to improved patient outcomes. The hosts posited if MindRhythm’s cranial accelerometer device, Harmony, could finally be the solution to this persistent challenge. A comprehensive clinical and scientific analysis of the research generated discerning questions posed to Dr. Paxton who provided the skeptics with additional detail in response to their examination deepening the hosts’ understanding of elements of the study. The hosts’ final conclusion, in alignment with study results and the researcher’s conclusion, was that the device is feasible for use in the prehospital setting for LVO detection. The positive response by the podcast’s skeptics foreshadows the reception by the medical community.
Listen to the episode here